Rachel's Story:

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Another baby gone too soon

My heart rejoices and breaks this morning. 

Tabitha, whose daughter had been diagnosed with anencephaly, found my blog a few months back and just gave birth to her precious baby girl early this morning.  I was sick all day so I didn't get the news until later this morning that she was going to have her.   Sophia Grace was born sleeping on May 31, 2011 at 12:21am.  I am so proud of Tabitha for giving her baby her all.  I'm sad because I know her pain and I can't take it away.  I'm rejoicing that she has another daughter and Rachel has another friend in heaven - and yet my tears haven't stopped flowing for another mama without her baby.

Please pray for this family as they walk the other side of this difficult journey.


  1. Praying for sweet for that sweet mommy! My heart is breaking, and my tears are flowing.

  2. I will be praying.

  3. I found her blog through you. I'll be praying for her!

  4. Thank you so much, Stacy, for sharing this with your readers. I haven't even had the chance to sit down and update mine! I just can't put everything into words right now. I thought for sure that our life couldn't have made any more turns for the worst until Memorial Day. That is the day we were told her heart had stopped beating. Everything changed from that point on. Sometimes, I can't even see through my tears! It's like everything is one big blur.

    Throughout the last couple months, your blog has been a place of comfort for me. Reading everything you have been able to do for Rachel has really touched my heart. I just wish I would've been able to do more for Sophia then what we have and what we are doing.

    Thanks again for sharing <3


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Thank you! ♥ The Aubes