Rachel's Story:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

More Pictures of Asa

I had my 37 week check up today in Maine.  My ultrasound went awesome!  The tech got some good pictures.  I did buy a DVD too, but for some reason it stopped recording half way through :o(  I was going to post a part of it where he smiled... it was SO cute, but when I watched it, it wasn't there.  bummer.  She measured him at 7 pounds 11 oz!  I had guessed he'd be 7 1/2 - and I do have big babies - so not a total surprise, but being 3 weeks away from due and trying for a vbac, knowing that babies can gain a pound a week the last month, I'm hoping to go before my guessed day of the 11th!  The week before would be great :o)  Desirae says she thinks it's going to be the 5th.  Not the 3rd because she has gym and not the 4th because she has art, but the 5th would be good :o)  That's my little planner! 

So, after the last pictures I posted of Asa, everyone said they thought he looked like Isaiah.  I thought Sam from the beginning - but take a look at all my kids and you tell me what you think!



Asa - LOVE this one!  It looks like he just ate something he doesn't like...
although since he smiled right after, maybe he was just entertaining us!

Asa - Awww....cute baby :o)
I'll admit they look pretty close, but Samuel has that crease on his nose that Asa definitely has too!  I think he's going to look like Sam, but there's no way around the fact that this kid looks like an Aube :o)  I love my family.  Looking at these pics, I think Rachel actually looked more like Desirae than I realized and the boys are almost identical!  As soon as his chubby face came on the screen, all I could do was smile and say "awww... I love him"  - and do I ever.

After my ultrasound, I had my visit. The appt went pretty well, minus yet another doctor with horrible bed side manner - but hey, I'm getting used to that. He practically tried to schedule me for a repeat c-section for 39 weeks because I asked a question concerning a VBAC. (when doctors say 'do you have any questions, they don't actually want you to ASK any!)  He said if I'm 'concerned' about the baby then I should just schedule a section. Um...what mother isn't worried about her baby?? How about just answering my question? (which by the way was "if I get nervous that something is going wrong while laboring, can I change my mind and have a c-section?")  Is that a dumb question or something?   I mean, they did just make me sign a paper saying they aren't responsible if my baby DIES, so don't I have a right, if I'm responsible, to decide at any moment a c-section would be needed?  Do you seriously do this for a living and get paid for it, Buddy? OK, that might give you an idea of how much I enjoyed the whole 4 mins. he was in the room with me... loved it. But the rest of the visit was great. Nurses should get paid the big bucks. They tend to be a lot nicer, not so prideful and actually do most of the work.  I'm not sure how that guy makes it through the day with his head that far up his rear end. I would think that would be dangerous.  Sorry, this might be hormones talking.....maybe I should eat some caramel (which thanks to my friends, I have a steady supply of!) :o)

Sooooo anyway....  My fluid was a little high today (?)  Probably explains my new back trouble.  They weren't concerned since it's just over 'high' but I can't help but worry after that being such a big problem for my girl.  The nurse started going over the ultrasound with me.  She went through the report and said "so, the baby scored 8 out of 8".  I got a lump in my throat and my eyes filled with tears.  You can read why In this post from last November - actually, I just read through a bunch of stuff from last November, and I honestly don't know how I did it.  Thanks to God I didn't fall apart....  I cried reading all of it.  I miss her so much and wish she was here every single second of the day.  every day.
Cyndie went with me today and brought me to Longhorn's afterward.  That was where Matt & I ate on the day we got Rachel's 2nd opinion.  Seems like so long ago.  I got home and Matt had gotten out of work early so I was able to nap for an hour.  I felt very blessed today and am so looking forward to adding another little Aube to our nest.  Please continue to pray for a safe delivery for me and him. 


  1. So excited for you to meet him. Love the picture of Rachel in this sequence...she is so beautiful. I was just looking at the photos of Briar, because a young girl just got diagnosed and was writing to me...and I was just reminded of the amazing blessing Briar was to us. I know Rachel was to you too. Praying that you feel peace during these last weeks with Asa in your tummy!!

  2. Your children look all so beautiful <3 Love the pictures! I think Asa looks like Sam... :-)
    Praying for you! Love and hugs, anja

  3. When looking at the 'furrowed brow' picture compared to that of Sam, I definitely see the resemblance. Of course, he'll be a cutie just like his brothers and sisters and is already showing a lot of personality! He is such an Aube, making all the faces when his picture is being taken :)

  4. Dear Stacy, your children are all sooo beautiful and you are a very blessed family.
    Praying and thinking about you and Asa's birth.
    With caring

  5. The kids are all so cute... I think Asa looks a lot like Sam. Praying for you always. Love and hugs.

  6. he's gorgeous! can't wait to see the pictures after he's "out"!!! He definitely seems to have the same brow as Samuel. & you are right that your princesses look alike!!!


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