Rachel's Story:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hope for Tomorrow

Wow, what a day!  My phone has rang off the hook all day, I got a million emails and we have had many people stop by - Rachel even received some beautiful flowers today with a "Happy Birthday Rachel Alice" note.  Matt got out early again today and we've been trying to get set for tomorrow.

So, let's see...tomorrow...  I'll give you the breakdown of how it's supposed to go and would love if you could try to remember to pray at those times...

We have to leave by 6:30, to get there for 7:30 - pray for safe travels and that we'll get out of the house on time! :o)
My c-section is at 9:30 and should take about an hour until we're back in a room with Rachel. - During this time we could use prayer for the following...

-That my spinal will work successfully and that I won't need other medication
-That the surgery will go well - that the surgeon would have steady hands and that Rachel will be born safely.  Please pray that I will have peace and not be anxious about the surgery. 
- For good nurses and staff... especially that they will be sensitive about the situation and that they will treat Rachel just like any other baby
- For our hearts - for peace & joy.

Then between 10:30 - 11:00, the kids will be meeting her.  Pray for their hearts, for protection against fear and for sweet time with their sister.

The rest of the day will just be us soaking up every second we get with our girl...  we have our car seat all cleaned and ready to go... pray that we'll need it!

We want to thank everyone who has been helpful to us during the last few months and for all your prayers.  We have definitely felt covered in prayer and we are amazed daily at the love we have received.  Today has been an awesome day.  I was praying, asking God to be with me and my next thought was "do not be afraid for the Lord your God goes with you wherever you go" - I can't believe I'm not afraid.  I got multiple calls from Maine Med today, getting prepared for tomorrow... everyone said something to the effect of "tomorrow is going to be a sad day" - I don't believe that.  Tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day.  I have heard from other moms who have lost babies to anencephaly that it was a day filled with peace and joy.  I always found it hard to believe... but I can feel it happening.  God is carrying me.

Remember my trip a few weeks back to the fabric store?  I had bought a Christmas decoration and hadn't put it out yet...  I thought today was the perfect day to display it.  Hope does not disappoint!
This one word will always remind me of two people... Jesus and Rachel.  This one word will always remind me of the sweetest journey I've ever taken... the most beautiful path I've ever walked... the miracle I was blessed to be a part of... 

The time Jesus carried me while I carried Rachel.  I'd do it all over again.

I can't wait to show her to all of you!  Pictures coming soon!  Stay tuned...


  1. I'll be praying for you! I hope tomorrow is filled with joy as you bring this new little one into the world, even it it is only for short time. :) I'll be praying for your children as they meet their little sister.

  2. You are an amazing person, seems only fit that you would create such an amazing little girl. My thoughts are with you and your family and I am so excited to seee the pictures of your angel!

  3. Welcome to the world, Rachel! Congrats to your family. You'll be in my thoughts!

  4. I am so excited for you! I read your blog everyday. You are such a wonderful family. Before I "met" you (lol) I did not know how to pray. Since traveling with you on your journey (I have been there with you since being introduced to your blog a few months ago, cheering you on even though you did not know it...there are s many of us!!!)I have learned how to pray and to have true faith and hope and to recognize what is important in life. Blessings for tomorrow and I will be praying and thinking of you all non-stop. Happy birthday tomorrow Rachel! I can't wait to "meet" you and see your beautiful little face sweet girl! <3

  5. Hi Stacy, I don't know if you remember me from Barrington MOPS. I read the story in the paper recently about baby Rachel....and just tonight found your blog. God is so good all the time and all the time God is good. You are living that! Praying for you and you precious family in the days ahead. ~ Alane Abbett

  6. My dearest Rachel Alice Aube, though you stole our hearts the moment we learned of your creation, we now welcome you with open arms to our world. I can't wait to see you, to touch your fuzzy soft skin, to smell your newborn-ness, to hold you in all your perfection, to tell you how much you are loved. However the story of the day of your birth unfolds, we will bend with the willows, stand tall as the daisey, and soak up the miracle that you are.
    Love, Nana

  7. Dear Stacy,
    We´ve been praying and will keep on praying tomorrow for Rachel´s birth.
    Certainly God will be with you in the surgery room, holding your hand, and blessing Rachel.
    Anyone who trusts Him will be desappointed.
    I´m sure you will be surprised by God´s presence, love and faithfully during all the time.

    We all love Rachel so much. She´s a blessing.

    With love,
    Joana,Marcelo e Vitoria

  8. God's peace, joy, hope and love are such an awesome thing. I love Philippians 4:7~"And the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." It is so true....something you think you can't handle, when you get to it His grace and peace just hold you up. I'm so glad that He is carrying you. I am thankful to be a part of your life even if only through prayer. We are blessed to be able to be used by Him in whatever way He sees fit! :)
    I can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful baby girl and your family all together tomorrow. I can't wait to hear of how God has answered these prayers for you tomorrow and in the days and weeks to come.
    "'My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 2 Corinthians 12:9
    Praying without ceasing....

  9. You as well as your little Rachel have deeply touched my heart. Both of you such beautiful souls! Just found your blog through my cousin Millie this evening and will be praying (quite possibly crying) throughout the day tomorrow. May there be great rejoicing at her birth!!

  10. I just found your blog, but you can add me to the list of people who will be praying for peace, joy and love during every single second you get with your sweet baby girl.

  11. Rachel, I will keep you and your awesomely, amazing family in prayer as you make your appearance tomorrow. I can tell, God has given you a very special family. I believe in miracles and believe YOU ARE a miracle. May you and your family be blessed as you continue on your journey. When we put our trust and Faith in God, He is always there for us.

    Be Blessed,
    A Sister in Christ, Nancy

  12. Our little boy Joshua was with us for 67 days - Jan 7 - Mar 15, 2008. It was a beautiful time. He had encephalocele and microcephaly (similar NTDs to anencephaly). Only God knows the future. I pray you have TIME with Rachel and that everything goes as planned with your c-section. Blessings and all the hugs I can give.
    Susie Sams
    mnssams.blogspot.com (Joshua's story)
    mnssams [@] gmail [.] com

  13. Thank you for sharing this deeply personal experience. You and your family are an inspiration. It has been a sincere honor to be able to witness this journey thru your blog. God will be with you all tomorrow and therafter as you and your family begin this new chapter in your lives. I am praying for you all. Congratulations!

  14. Will be thinking of you througout the night and all day tomorrow! I pray that all of your prayers are answered and that you have as much time as possible to hold and love Rachel. I pray that your children will not be afraid and will embrace their sister with the all the love they have shown for her! I pray for joy and peace for your family... and I pray that you know how much Rachel's life has touched so many heart'...

  15. Dear Stacey,

    "The Lord is your shepherd..."

    I wish you so much strength and love.

    We think of you and little Rachel and your husband, probably in different corners of the world there´s somebody praying for you.

    A big hug from Berlin, Germany.

    Auntie Lolo

  16. Happy Happy Birthday, baby Rachel Alice! Welcome to the world sweet girl!

  17. Happy Birthday Rachel! Aube family may you have a beautiful day filled with peace and joy! You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers throughout the day.

  18. Your story is unbelievable, I just came across this today and I will pray for you, your family and little Rachel. You are an amazing mother so strong

  19. I will be thinking of you and your baby girl today. Happy Birthday to Rachel! Enjoy her and take lots of pics!! Cant wait to see this beautiful bundle!!

  20. I am meeting with a group of mom's today (we meet every Friday in the Seacoast NH area) and we will pray for your Birth Day. May it be BLESSED!!!!

  21. As 9:30 approaches I am praying for you and your family that you may enjoy every second that you have with your precious angel.

    "There is only one minute in which you are alive, this minute here and now. The only way to live is by accepting each minute as an unrepeatable miracle. Which is exactly what it is- a miracle and unrepeatable." -Storm Jameson

  22. Praying for a safe delivery today. I am so excited to hear all about Miss Rachel! May today be a day filled with great joy and celebration!

  23. Stacey & Family:
    I can't believe today is Rachel's birthday!! Happy Birthday to you sweet girl :) I am praying for Rachel's safe entrance into this world and for your family's well being. I hope you get so much time with her and that you will be able to bring her home so she can spend more time with her loving family. My prayers go out to you all. Can't wait to see pics of Ms. Rachel!! Sending lots of love your way, Jessica Marcoux (Plaisted)

  24. Stacy & Family:
    I can't believe today is Rachel's birthday!! Happy Birthday to you sweet girl :) I am praying for Rachel's safe entrance into this world and for your family's well being. I hope you get so much time with her and that you will be able to bring her home so she can spend more time with her loving family. My prayers go out to you all. Can't wait to see pics of Ms. Rachel!! Sending lots of love your way, Jessica Marcoux (Plaisted)

  25. Happy Birthday Rachel Alice Aube! Praying you feel every ounce of love that your family has to shower upon you this blessed day and sending you my love this morning!
    Melissa Phillips and Family

  26. God bless you and keep you in his heart.

  27. Praying for your family! Will be watching for Pictures of your Beautiful daughter!

  28. Blessings to you and yours. Rachel is fearfully & wonderfully made <3

  29. I do not know you, but a friend of mine directed me to your site. I will be praying for you and your family, and Rachel of course! I am amazed by your powerful faith and I trust the God with be by your side in whatever you face. God Bless you and your entire family. Claire

  30. I just found your blog from a post on baby center. I admire you're hopeful, peace-filled attitude and am praying for a wonderful birthday for Rachel!

  31. Mamma, you amaze and inspire me. I don't know you, you don't know me, but we are sisters. I have prayed and prayed for you all day. You have given Rachel so much, she is so blessed to have you as her mom. I will continue to lift you before our Father, as well as your husband and children. My God is sovereign, He has you in the palm of His hand and there is no place safer or better. You are loved.

  32. What a beautiful testimony of believing in the goodness of God, and trusting in His divine mercy.

  33. Happy Birthday Rachel. Love and Blessings to you and your incredible family.

  34. Happy Birthday Rachel Alice!!
    I have followed your journey baby girl, I can't wait to meet you :)
    Congratulations Aube Family!!
    Love to you all, Colleen

  35. I wanted to share love and blessings with you and your family. Rachel's pictures are amazing. What a beautiful little angel. My prayers are with you, your husband, and all of your children.


We so appreciate your words of encouragement!
Thank you! ♥ The Aubes