Rachel's Story:

Saturday, August 4, 2012

2 Years Since D-Day....Her 2nd Race

2 years ago today I learned my girl would die.

Over the past couple of days I found myself continuously in tears.  I would be driving and just burst out crying.  But the really strange thing is that they were tears of gratitude.  Yes, I miss Rachel.  Yes, this is a very difficult day to remember.  A day that forever changed my life.  But I'm just so thankful her story didn't end with her diagnosis.  I'm. so. thankful.

Today we had Rachel's 2nd annual race.  The flow of the day went much better than last year... although I'll admit, not being just 7 months out from Rachel's death, 5 months pregnant for the 2nd time in a row,  having no huge playground builds recently, and no attempted law suits has helped :o)   Last year was harder for so many reasons.

But today.... wow.  Things went well - I felt good and actually enjoyed myself.  I wasn't a ball of nerves when I got up this morning or as I went thru the day.  It was nice.  It's like I might actually be getting better at this running a 5K thing! haha.

Wrapping the day up was the only hard part and that's just cause by the time we got there, everyone was dying from the heat and exhausted.  But there were so many people there willing to help - a couple of the guys even came back to our house and helped us unload while my friend Michelle took all 4 of our kids to her house to swim!  The girls I had helping me were awesome and Matt & I got to actually spend time together this year.  My mother-in-law came, which was a surprise.  A blog friend came out all the way from Ohio and I finally got to meet her and her kids.  And that is just part of the day.  It was just really, really good. 

I will post shortly about the outcome.  I need to connect with the rest of the board for Baby Rachel's Legacy and then I will announce.  I can say that had our expenses not gone up this year, we would have blown last year out of the water!   Because this was our first year running as our own non-profit, we had more start up expenses and also bought some tables and things to add to BRL's supplies.  So, I'm going to give it another week and see if we get any other donations and get the rest of our invoices for today paid (Did I mention they brought a PINK porta potty?!  I've never seen a pink one, it seemed so appropriate - it's the little things ) :o)  And then I will let you know!  I think it's going to be a little less of a donation than I had set for a goal, but all in all I feel like this year was a big success.

Until then, take a look at this.... Thank you Keith Chick of Mister Oz Graphics & Video for surprising me with this awesome last minute footage of our baby remembrance ceremony today. I didn't even know he was going to do this - and apparently neither did he!  He came to see what was happening and Donaldo asked him if he could take video and he snapped right to it!! 

This is for you all my baby loss friends... I love you all!  (please ignore my shaky voice....)

 More info on how ABSOLUTELY AMAZING today was coming soon!! God is so good.

I guess I'm still amazed at how blessed my heart can be on such a hard anniversary.... but that is what God does best... brings beauty out of ashes.


  1. It means so much to me that my babies were included in this ceremony! Thank you!!! I wish I could have been there in person! Love you lots! <3 Rachel <3

  2. Hi, my name is Virginia. On July 3rd we found out our daughter had anencephaly. I am currently almost 24 weeks pregnant with her, and we are carrying her to term. I found your blog a couple days ago, and I read every single post from when you started your blog, to after Rachel was born. Her story is really touching, and it is comforting to know I'm not alone. I have a blog for my baby girl, thelifeofedenmarie.blogspot.com, if you want to check it out. Thank you so much for sharing your story. <3


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