Saturday, August 9, 2014

Rachel's Voice in Oklahoma

Tonight I got a message from someone who bought one of the shirts that was leftover from Rachel's Race... She wanted to tell me that her daughter wore the shirt out to eat and was telling everyone about's a peek at our conversation....

She showed all the people she could her shirt your own little spokesperson in Ok
my girl and your girl are a little over a month apart
hard to think of Rachel as that big.
I wish I could see what she looked like between Sam and Asa - thanks for sharing about her today
I think that's part of why your journey with Rachel hit me so hard
yeah, bc you were holding her when I had to let Rachel go
plus being pregnant at the same time too...
seems like so long ago and yesterday at the same time
Yes. I found your blog the week before you had Rachel. I went back and read from the beginning just snuggling Delilah and bawling. I couldn't imagine, I started being interested in going to church then too because I believed God was what helped you get through and I wanted him in my life too.
You and your beautiful girl were and continue to be an important part of my life
I'm pretty sure it was November 26th of that year when I started reading your blog
I'm honored you remember so many details, it says to me it's important to you - and the fact that you started going back to church... well, I think you know what that does for my heart
I never grew up in church so it was deciding to go at all. I have pictures from that day where I am holding Delilah at the computer at my mom's
are you serious?! was it the day you decided to go to church?
Yes. The day I was reading all your blog entries was the day I decided I needed to find a church.
We found our church in May of 2011 and have been going ever since

Need I say more.... a pretty little daisy outfit to top it all off!!  
Rachel reached out across the earth thru her Mama's fingertips and is still changing the world.  Most of it I have yet to hear... it will only be when I go Home that the Father will fill me in on all the ways He used me.  But these kinds of stories are my favorite and I'm so thankful when people share them with me.

I know there are people in a new or renewed relationship with Jesus because of Rachel... but hearing it is overwhelming.  It makes it less of something I say because I hope for it and more of a solid truth that exists because of my willingness to be vulnerable and share the story God gave us.  I didn't always want to follow Him on this path of blogging my heart out - but I knew He was calling me to it and using it,so I did.  And every time I tried to walk away because it hurt too much, I couldn't go a day or two without someone stopping me in public and telling me how Rachel impacted them and encouraging me not to quit!  Every. Single. Time!!  And I would find myself back at it that night, surrendering my heart and soul to my God who had a plan for much more than me in this journey.

I'm so thankful and so humbled that this little girl's Mama considers Rachel part of her story...  how God brought her to Himself.  I know who those people are in my life... and how I feel about them... and wow... He's letting me be that person to others.  wow.

How Great Thou Art.... 

1 comment:

We so appreciate your words of encouragement!
Thank you! ♥ The Aubes