We've started a fundraiser at church that has already brought in $1470 and we still have 2 weeks to go! Plus, Learning Structures was able to get a company out of California that they work with called Pacific Fibre to donate the cargo net and that saves us another $575! So, we're down another $2,045 this week!! Praise God! He is bringing the details together. We still need more volunteers to help with the build - let us know if you're interested.
We're having a meeting tonight. If you can join us, please do!!
On August 4, 2010 our hearts broke as we heard the Dr. say "she has anencephaly...these babies don't live" at our 19 wk ultrasound. The Dr. is wrong. Our precious daughter's time on earth may be short, but she will live for eternity with our Lord in heaven. During the few months we have her here with us, we intend to make the most of every second of it. Our hope is that she will leave behind more than a few short memories, but that she will leave a legacy of what it means to hope in Jesus.
Ok so yesterday I was cleaning up a part of my yard to plant the flowers I bought threw the fund raiser. And I worked most of the day in between running errands looking after Hunter and so forth. As I am planting the tulips I am also listening to my Ipod, and the song Blessings came on that I downloaded when you posted it. Just wanted to share. I figured it would bring a smile to your face. I can't make the meeting but we will be there to help build. If I can get some of Kirsten's friends to come along I will. ~Bridget~