Tuesday, February 22, 2011

God's Promise

God didn't promise
days without pain,
laughter without sorrow,
sun without rain,

but He did promise
strength for the day,
comfort for the tears,
and light for the way

Today was one of those days when the reality of life
was hard on me...
The fact that my entire life can change in a moment scares me. 
I continue to choose to believe that God is in control and
He is with me.
I hope you know He's with you, too.


  1. Stacey,
    I love that poem. No, we don't know what the next moment holds, but we do know who holds the next minute(like the hymn says "I know who holds tomorrow"). He is already there and has carried you through in the past and whatever the future holds, He will carry you through that as well. Praying for you right this very minute that "the peace that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds." Love and prayers....
    Carrie :)

  2. You are right in your awareness of the fragility of life.

    And still, God is in control and He's already sifted through all that we will face in this life. He is with up with each step. That truly is the only comfort I know.

    I blogged about the daisy cakes today. :) Thinking of you!

  3. I have this poem on my fridge - I see it each and every time I'm at the kitchen counter -which is alot with 3 kids who are always
    hungry! :)
    God certainly is in control, whether I'm acknowledging it on a particular day or not, it's truth and this truth can set us all free!

    Thanks so much for sharing these words!


We so appreciate your words of encouragement!
Thank you! ♥ The Aubes