Sunday, February 27, 2011

Think Rachel

Yesterday morning Sam came and got in bed with me.  He pointed at my chest above my heart and said "A-chul"  I smiled.... how does he know that's where I keep her now?  I guess what he knows of her is that she was inside me.  I doubt he remembers meeting her, but who knows.  He points at her pictures on the wall and says her name too...and he also points at my necklace and says "A-chul's hand". 

Today someone introduced herself to me and asked "You're Rachel, right?" - I heard myself respond without a pause "Rachel is my daughter, I'm Stacy."  Doesn't sound like much, but for some reason I felt good after that short interaction.  Hearing her name...claiming her as my daughter...not sure which I love more, but both make me proud. 

I can only hope that any time someone looks at me, my home, my heart... they think "Rachel" :o)

"I thought of you with love today but that is nothing new, I thought about you yesterday and days before that too. I think of you in silence I often speak your name, all I have are memories and your picture in a frame. Your memory is my keepsake with which I'll never part God has you in His keeping I have you in my heart."


  1. I went to get my hair cut This weekend. When I went in my heart was heavy because my sister-in-law is in intensive care in boston due to her cancer. Somehow I found myself talking about Rachel and it was so neat that the woman cutting my hair knew of her story from the papers. It was really heart lifting to talk about how amazing her life is and continues to be for so many people.

  2. Awww, Sam is so cute!
    I have been amazed at Noah's "memory" of his sister. No doubt Sam understand more than you think!

    Ah, to hear others speak your ^child's^ name. Sweet music to my ears!

    You will always be Rachel's Mommy at our house! ;)
    ♥ Rachel ♥

  3. It sure does mean a lot when you know someone thought of your baby

  4. That's Beautiful Stacy, thanks for sharing. Rachel will always be in my heart as well! Love and prayers,


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