I know this is last minute, I hadn't thought about it until now...I'm having a meeting for the playground Monday at 6pm at Grace Community Church. Until now, I have only invited people who came to the last meeting. I didn't realize until I was putting all the stuff together for this one that it would be helpful to have everyone that will be helping at the build at the meetings. This process is very precise and we need to develop teams and team captains for 17 different categories! Having people just show up that day will be tough. The address to my church is 159 Rochester Hill Rd. Rochester. I hope you can make it! If you have contacted me about helping, please try to come! This project will not be successful without the proper amount of help. We need all skill levels so don't think you can't help! Email me with any questions - rachelsmama@ymail.com
Love & Hope,
Stacy & Rachel
On August 4, 2010 our hearts broke as we heard the Dr. say "she has anencephaly...these babies don't live" at our 19 wk ultrasound. The Dr. is wrong. Our precious daughter's time on earth may be short, but she will live for eternity with our Lord in heaven. During the few months we have her here with us, we intend to make the most of every second of it. Our hope is that she will leave behind more than a few short memories, but that she will leave a legacy of what it means to hope in Jesus.
I hope the meeting went well.